
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hypocrisy, the enemy in the blanket

We often hear the word hypocrite in everyday life. The word hypocrite is considered not so harsh because rarely publicized in the media. But the real hypocrisy is a trait that is very bad and can cause a person ostracized in society.

In the Qur'an the term typically refers to those who are not believers but believers pretend.Sura (63:1-3) (1) When the hypocrites come to thee, they say: "We bear witness that thou art indeed the Messenger of Allah." And Allah knoweth that thou art indeed the Messenger of Him, and God knows that people really hypocritical liars. (2) Those that make their oaths as a shield, and they hinder (men) from Allah's way. Indeed very evil what they did. (3) That is because that in fact they believed, then disbelieved (again) and then their hearts are sealed, and therefore they can not understand.

Hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW on those hypocrites:"The sign of the hypocrites that there are three. First, if a word he lied. Second, if the promise he reneging on promises. Third, if given the mandate he was betrayed". (Hadith Bukhari and Muslim History.)
1. Lie 
Lie is a false statement made deliberately by someone with the objective listener to believe. People who speak lies and especially those who have the habit of lying called a liar.
At a lie there is also the element of intent. If someone says that he is a religious teacher but it's not, then he deliberately did it to show off. This is a lie. However, if a member of the secret police, said that the villain was according to the data are in town-so, but it is not, then this name is a mistake and not a lie. Unless he did it deliberately as a tactic, then the name is a disinformation tactic.
2. Reneging on Promises
Promise is light weight yet spoken to fulfilled. How many parents who easily sell out a promise to his son but never fulfilled. How many people conveniently arranged to meet but never on his head. And how many people who owed but did not keep his promise. In fact, Prophet Muhammad SAW has provided exemplary in this regard include strict prohibition menciderai appointment with unbelievers. 
Indeed Al-Qur `an have noticed the problem this promise and give encouragement and ordered to keep to it. Allah SWT says: 
وَأَوْفُوا بِعَهْدِ اللهِ إِذَا عَاهَدْتُمْ وَلاَ تَنْقُضُوا اْلأَيْمَانَ بَعْدَ تَوْكِيْدِهَا 
"And stick to the agreement with God when you do not cancel the promises and vows that after confirming the diagnosis ...." (An-Nahl: 91) 
Allah SWT also says: 
وَأَوْفُوا بِالْعَهْدِ إِنَّ الْعَهْدَ كَانَ مَسْئُوْلاً 
"And fulfill the promise, really promise that must be held accountable." (Al-Isra ': 34) 
3. Betray 
Treasonable act is despicable thing in the entire shari'ah. Islamic Shari'ah has explained haram treasonous act in all things, whether it was treasonous against fellow Muslims or treasonous against infidels mu `amalat associated with it. 
Allah Almighty says, 
"O ye who believe, you do not betray Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad) and (also) do you betray the mandate, the mandate entrusted to you, while you know." (Surat al-Anfal: 27) 
"Allah loves not those who defected." (Surat al-Anfal: 58) 
Treason is perhaps the most severe class compared to the nature of lies and broken promises. Treasonable sentence could be shunned or ostracized and no one else will get the trust could even be sentenced to imprisonment and criminal fines. Examples of such perfidious rogue members of the military who becomes a spy for a foreign party or a terrorist. Another example of such an employee is believed to be a tax official, but in his work that people used to abuse of office by way of stealing money tax collection.

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