
Friday, November 12, 2010

Gardening Many Benefits

Do you enjoy gardening? 
Gardening is an enjoyable hobby. After work or on weekends, is a good time to tidy up the garden in front of the house or in your backyard. Gardening activities in addition to making fun also brings many benefits.

Gardening activities can be a fun hobby, but these activities also bring many benefits not only for women but also for men. Gardening is also useful for younger age or those who are elderly. Gardening is also useful for those who are healthy or suffering from disease.

Gardening Benefits
What are the benefits to be gained with gardening? Here are some benefits when gardening other than as an enjoyable hobby.
  • Positive impact on health
Gardening just like doing exercise to burn calories, so good for health. When gardening, you will be doing activities such as mowing the lawn, prune the plants, trim pots, planting flowers and plants, fertilizing and watering the plants. Gardening activities will burn between 280 calories up to 380 calories per hour. The number of calories burned is the same with sexual activity for 3 hours or the equivalent of jogging or running for 30 minutes or run a distance of 2.5 km. Even gardening can burn more calories than cycling. Gardening equivalent of exercising at the gym who will spend a lot of money. In addition, this activity strongly support the physical and psychological health. 
Gardening activities are also beneficial to men's health, especially in matters of sex. Gardening can overcome the problem of impotence or erectile dysfunction for men. With gardening for men, will reduce the risk of impotence.
  • Lowering stress levels
Gardening is also able to lower one's stress level. After completing a full day or a week full of busyness and stress, it would be fun to come home and start gardening at the end of the day or on weekends. Gardening activities can serve as stress relievers, pain and frustration. Also, while waiting for plants to germinate and flower buds, it will help someone to train your patience and look forward with positive thoughts. 
For those who are elderly (seniors), gardening activities also have many benefits. Caring for plants capable of making the elderly feel that they still needed and not lonely.
 For those who are experiencing mental health problems or have psychological disorders, gardening activities also have a positive impact. With gardening, one can feel comfortable and calm. Especially when working on the garden with plants and flowers are beautiful and quiet neighborhood. Furthermore, caring for flowers and gardening activity may help a person gain self-confidence. 
However, gardening is not just people who benefit from the green environment makes. People who live or be around the house with a beautiful garden would also benefit. Some research shows that people will feel more comfortable with the environment that many green plants.
  • Cure diseases and speed up the process of health recovery
Some hospital patients will be found to heal faster when they're on the green environment or are in a room that has an indoor plant. When measured blood pressure and heart rate, patients who are being treated and was in a green environment will heal faster. So if a family member gets sick, then to create a beautiful home gardening and accelerate the healing of the family members.
In addition, with gardening, it can lower blood pressure, so avoid the hypertension. Gardening activities are also able to help people with diabetes. Since the number of calories burned, will directly influence the levels of sugar in the body.  
  • Prolong life
Because health is stable and more peaceful mind, then this will affect the age. The results showed that people who love gardening have on average live longer durations than those who do not like gardening.
Sure, gardening is fun. You can have a lovely small garden in your home or a spacious garden full of green trees unsightly eye. This activity is also a lot of fun in addition to the benefits. Try to start making your yard become more green with gardening. 

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